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Virginia Sorensen: An Introduction

[…] follow the descendants of Kingdom Come’s Madsen family from Denmark to modern Mormon country. She is also writing another children’s book, a “handcart story.”  Most of Virginia’s early books are out of print, but […]

Polynesian Origins: More Word on the Mormon Perspective

[…] is credited with having had a positive effect on the growth of Pacific archaeology by prompting careful reviews of earlier assumptions and by generating new research.  In recent years almost all of the purported […]

Christ as Center | Bruce R. McConkie, The Mortal Messiah

[…] more seriously tap the wealth of symbolic implications in our theology. Hugh Nibley’s final comments in his essay “the Expanding Gospel” (in Nibley on the Timely and the Timeless) is also an encouraging gesture […]

Getting Unmarried in a Married Church

[…] in solitude. A number of solitary modes are highly respected, such as prayer or creative work like writing. Valuing solitary time as well as communal time relieves some of the loneliness.  Committed relationships entered […]

Joseph Smith III’s 1844 Blessing and the Mormons of Utah

[…] paper contemporary with the 1840s, that the text of the blessing is in the extraordinarily distinctive hand writing of Joseph Smith’s personal clerk, Thomas Bullock, that the words on the back of the document […]

Ongoing Dialogue

[…] The number of excellent manuscripts we receive suggests that there arc many well informed people thinking and writing about our theology, history, and cul ture — most of them out of purely personal interest. […]