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An Hour in the Grove

[…] like to meet Joseph Smith in person. We would I think be impressed by the presence that overawed so many visitors, and despite our habit of objectivity, perhaps even entranced.Β  Moreover, we might be […]

Revelation: The Cohesive Element in International Mormonism

[…] community, whose members seek to evolve into reembodied anthropomorphic creations at levels of ultimate existence. Their disc overy of truths have not stood frozen since the second century. For the critics to argue that […]

Personal Conscience and Priesthood Authority

[…] other source, reason or inspiration, requires that we exercise personal initiative to seek truth and to disc over principles that may also elevate us towards Christian attitudes and behavior. These two foundations of religious […]

Polynesian Origins: More Word on the Mormon Perspective

[…] Kimball about internal Polynesian migration and settlement are equally at odds with the academic community. A brief overview of both sides of the issue is needed to understand and appreciate the little-known but extremely […]

The Word of Wisdom: From Principle to Requirement

[…] Federal Bunch Republicans, however, the situation was much different. Generally in control of the legislature, the g overnorship and the congressional and senatorial seats until 1916, Smoot supporters were reluctant to upset their majority […]

Luigi Scali, My Friend

[…] enough to mask the letdown of refusal.Β  We saw no people as we passed through the moss-c overed, stone arch at the entrance, but wanting to assimilate the atmosphere of the fortress, we continued […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] announcement and the ERA, were education, local politics, polygamy and Utah’s heritage. Significant issues receiving local c over age in Utah were the American Civil Liberties Union-Mormon Seminary Suit in Logan, and the federal […]

Light and Dark Thoughts on Death

[…] Will our time be spent in eternal meeting upon meeting? Will that ideal of patriarchal religion take over allowing us to worship as a family group? Or will our tribes be so arranged that […]