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Leonard James Arrington: His Life and Work

[…] Historian,” Dialogue, 6 (Spring 1972): 23.  Leonard’s philosophy and goals are revealed in the following articles: Church News, (January 15, 1972), p. 3, and (March 4, 1972), p. 3: The New Era, 4 (May […]

The New Revelation: A Personal View

[…] relating my year’s learning to family and friends in the Church. My attitudes were those of another world, and the bottom line, the underlying assumption behind any exchange of views with fellow Mormons, was […]

Response to Freud and Jung

[…] depicted on the cover of the Autumn, 1978 cover of Dialogue are unquestionably among the most important individuals in the field of psychoanalysis. Both were trained in the medical profession and both considered their […]

Medicine and the Mormons: A Historical Perspective

[…] of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Century 1, 6 vols. (Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1930), 2: 49.  CHC 2: 69.  Earlier he had been involved in efforts to establish […]

First Indian Convert’s Testimony

[…] prophet, that the Book of Mormon is the revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith, and that the missionaries all over the world working for the growth of the Church are the messengers of God.

Journey to My Westward Self

[…] suggest, Mormonism’s version of the hero journey, of the historical and psychical or myth-historical view of a world and people ever growing. I would be almost willing to say that this motif is an […]

The Depot

[…] on. She had just seen her father’s grave for the first time, having been half across the world when he died. Then the house. And now the missing depot made her feel part of […]

Roo Hunt

The magpies sang all morning long that May  To lovers in the gum leaves where they lie.  Half my heart is half a world away.