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Government-Sponsored Prayer in the Classroom

[…] Senate fell eleven votes short of the two-thirds majority required to endorse a constitutional amendment allowing g overnment-sponsored prayers in public schools (S. J. Res. 1983). This was the strongest support yet accorded to […]

Reflections on the Restoration

[…] Church. John Wesley and George Fox, founders of Methodism and the Society of Friends, sought to rec over the true spirit of Christianity within the Church of England. When their reform efforts failed, they […]

“Lamanites” and the Spirit of the Lord

[…] Polynesia. We have invited Eugene England, Jr., professor of English at BYU, to document his parents’ efforts, over a period of forty years, to respond to what he names “the spirit of Lehi”—a focused […]

The Captivity Narrative on Mormon Trails, 1846-65

[…] demonstration of equality probably consciously and unconsciously affected the attitudes of Mormon women towards red men.  In over 700 Mormon trail accounts, I noted very little fear of Indians recorded by men or women […]

Helen John: The Beginnings of Indian Placement

Perhaps others than Helen John, Amy Avery, Golden and Thelma Buchanan, and Spencer W. Kimball might have compounded an equally powerful scheme for blessing the lives of Indians, but to these individuals fell that lot.


[…] ice-slicked streets,             Or storms of summer mosquitoes.  But I do miss the drum rolls of “O Canada,”              The weight of blankets on chill winter nights,              Old friends,              And the thirteen […]

Science: A Part of or Apart from Mormonism?

[…] own societies and journals, even though the golden days of apparently official approval now seem to be over.  Nowhere is progress more evident than in the use of technology, the fruit of science. Satellite […]