Search Results for Девятаев 2021 — Девятаев — Девятаев — смотреть — онлайн в хорошем качестве — фильм — онлайн тут >>>

The Third Nephite

Shortly after sunrise Otis Wadby was driving to work in Circleville. He stayed nights with his son in Junction, his wife having expelled him from his home in Circleville because he had taken up with […]

Hozhoogoo Nanina Doo

[…] it nonstop since dawn. A thousand things had been going through his mind, but at the moment —dipping again, spreading againhe remembered the day he punched the medicine man in the mouth. Poor Ben […]


[…] her chickens on the other. Her wooden house leaned to the east and let in the weather —a warm breeze in the summer, a bit of storm fine as sea spray in the winter.  […]

Blessing the Dog

He waited, but the dog didn’t come.  He went back into the house. His wife was strapping on her brassiere, skin spilling over where the strap was tight.  “Seen the dog?” he said.  “Haen’t my…

from Falling Toward Heaven

[…] dropped Howard at the Mormon church in Rockwood, which, except for the thin spire, was shaped like a large, sub urban house. Though he had asked, she refused to go inside with him. For […]

The Last Code Talker

DZEH-NESH-CHEE-AH-NAH-TSIN-TLITI-TSAH-AS-ZIH. Elk-Nut-Eye-Match-Yucca. His grandfather used to say the bilagaanas always come in twos. The first time he was barely five years old, playing on a sand dune near their hogan west of Valley Store.  He […]

Saturday Evening, Sunday Afternoon

[…] burns itself out in a gilded ashtray. The air in this dark room is a nicotine cloud. Men with yellowed fingers and unfriendly grins slouch past in low-slung jeans and tee shirts with slogans. […]


It’s been ten weeks since Liz (my mother) came to collect me from the islands and pack me back to Michigan. She wanted me to tally my losses and get on with things. Liz has…

The Newlyweds

[…] on Main Street that opens up to a barn-red flight of stairs. Only two places up there —ours is on the right, 1A. The windows are tiny, shiny squares that glare across the street […]

Follow Me, Boys

[…] door opened. The restroom door squeaked. A mother on the far row of chairs scolded her child —“Don’t climb on that!”—as her breasts threatened to spill out of her tank top. April hoped Marc […]