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Shifts in Restoration Thought

Both of the above statements are clearly affirmations of faith, strong declarations of belief in the Restoration movement, each evolving out of presuppositions about the fundamental truth of the message delivered. Each statement, though the former probably more so than the latter, is representative; that is, numbers of Saints have shared the stated convictions. In both cases, the intention appears to be the same, to identify the church of the latter days in relation to other church organizations of its time. 

Mormonism: From Its New York Beginnings

That the handful of early Mormon converts decided to migrate from New York only nine months after their church was organized has led some scholars to suppose that the basic influence on Latter-day Saint doctrines…

The Word of Wisdom in Early Nineteenth-Century Perspective

The success of Mormonism’s “Word of Wisdom,” especially its prohibition of tobacco—in promoting Mormon health is now widely acknowledged. Mor mons have shown that they experience what medical science would predict from their lifestyle: a longevity several years greater than non-Mormons, with much less cancer and heart disease.

The Restoration and History: New Testament Christianity

The Restoration movements have tended to elevate historical claims to the level of theological dogma. But in our defense of historical beliefs we have often denied the reality of historical process by asserting that ideas,…

After Sutter’s Mill: The Life of Henry Bigler, 1848-1900

Henry William Bigler marched west with the Mormon Battalion during the Mexican War (1846-47) and by January 1848 was an employee of Johann Sutter, constructing a saw mill on the American River northeast of Sacra…

Uncle Joseph Smith, 1781-1854: Patriarchal Bridge

John Smith, brother of Joseph Smith, Sr., and uncle of the Prophet Joseph Smith, was an unspectacular, though far from ordinary man. Amid the troubles and uncertainties following the June 1844 martyrdom of the Prophet…

Youth Suicide Rates and Mormon Religious Context: An Additional Empirical Analysis

Dialogue 49.2 (Summer 2016): 25–44

Much has been discussed and written regarding whether or not the rate of LGBT youth suicides in the Mormon community has risen in the wake of the November 2015 handbook policy change that categorizes same-sex married couples as “apostates” and forbids baptism to children in same-sex married households.

Dialogue Sept 2021 Board Meeting-Editor Report

DIALOGUE SEPTEMBER 2021 BOARD MEETINGTaylor Petrey, Editor Report MEET NEW AREA EDITORS➤Cristina Rosetti- Non-Fiction Book Review Editor ➤Alison Hong Merrill-Personal Voices Editor RECENT/UPCOMING ISSUES REPORT➤Spanish Language Content ➤Summer 2021: “Mormonism and Indigeneity ” Special […]