Search Results for ТОП эксперт Human Design Виктория Джем - Дизайн Человека

The Challenge of Honesty

[…] an acceptable goal, when the Church as a group becomes irrelevant as a force for peace and human brotherhood, then the individual’s need to examine his own commitments to God and the Church and […]

In a Better Country

[…] really keep an inventory of each and every one, meticulously monitoring the comings and goings of the human race? Not just in this world but worlds without number? Every fallen follicle accounted for? Or […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] Conference, while the remainder of the nation remembered the man and mourned the loss of a great humanitarian, was damning. The least one could infer from this conspicuous omission is that the Church is […]

The Challenge of Secularism

[…] the eternal and the infinite, the omniscient and the omnipotent succeeded, over the milleniums, in exalting the very possibilities of  human existence . . .  Lewis Mumford One of the most pressing theological questions of our time […]

In Memory of P.A. Christensen

[…] is even more than that. It is helping to make the mental and spiritual accomplishments of the human race the common possession of all nations.  All in a Teacher’s Day, p. 9 I happen […]

Controlling Pornography: The Scientific and Moral Issues

[…] causation of delinquency and crime. In summary, it would appear safe to say that most students of human behavior consider the primary social interactions of the person (within the family, with agemate associates, and […]

On the Mormon Commitment to Education

[…] experience, or the splendor of Dali’s Christus, or the majesty of Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis, or the complexly human-sublime cosmic journey of Dante through Hell to his ultimate vision, or the terrible rapture of the […]

Phrenology Among the Mormons

[…] of the brain. It is easy to see, perhaps, that such an approach to the study of human personality seemed an improvement over the highly impressionistic, subjective approaches of the past. Moreover, as a […]