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Mexicans, Tourism, and Book of Mormon Geography

[…] Mormon is no easy task in the era of DNA studies, archaeological excavations, and aggressive attacks by evangelical Protestants. Latter-day Saints cultivate commitment to the veracity of the Book of Mormon in many different ways.

Mormonism’s Negro Doctrine: An Historical Overview

[…] should be in bondage to another.” Though the most recent Church pro nouncement on the Negro (19 69) tied this revelation to Negro slavery, it does not appear to have been used in early […]


[…] a causeway lined with vendor booths. Sandrine paused at a booth selling Alaskan totem figurines. She considered buying one for Aubrey, but decided against it, explaining that Max had bought her a lot of […]

Document Dealing: A Dealer’s Response

[…] and manuscript dealers as well as some archivists and librarians who acquire and manage rare books and manuscripts for large institutions. However, this is a personal statement and I alone am responsible for its content. 

Mental Illness and George Albert Smith

[…] that the Curriculum Committee of the church missed a tremendous opportunity with the production of the manual for study this year. Most of us know someone who has struggled with mental illness. We know […]