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Six Voices on Proposition 8: A Roundtable

[…] whose members provided the bulk of the funding for its passage, nearly $40m. The issue was a breaking point for many in the church and the above roundtable attempts to offer a variety of […]

A Mormon Midrash?: LDS Creation Narratives Reconsidered

[…] 135 – 139
Latter-day Saints, with other groups in the Judeo-Christian tradition, accept as scripture the stories of creation found in Genesis 1-3 but are unique in accepting as scripture three other parallel […]

Roundtable: Columbus Day and the “Rest of the Story”

[…] by to write any thoughts or comments about the demonstration. The event was covered by the local news as well as by Alfredo Carrera from BYU Broadcasting. One passing student commented: “I think this […]

Miracles Upon Miracles for Maher

[…] her husband would visit Maher in the hospital the next day. The missionaries—Americans who spoke Spanish—provided comforting news about the hospital. They understood why Maher had been sent there. It was a hospital of […]

Mormon Dissent in the Age of Fracture

[…] nation’s identity, particularly how the past related to the present. Evangelicals were especially keen on rejecting secular stories that did not prioritize God’s guiding hand throughout the country’s two centuries. Peter Marshall and David […]

Judging Israel

[…] the same training, formality, or expertise because all Mormon clergy are unpaid volunteers who spend their professional lives doing other things. Six of the council members were randomly assigned to advocate for the Church’s […]

Second Place: Pressed Palms

[…] do not remember my husband leaving his passenger seat to rush to our baby who was scre aming behind us. I don’t remember my baby boy’s screams. I do not remember the kind stranger […]