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The Redtail Hawk

[…] where the water started. The tingling went clear to my skull, and I reached out to a world I had never known, something inviting me, as in my dreams.  I left the house four […]

The Darkest Abyss in America

Thy m ind, O man! if thou wilt lead a soul unto salvation, must stretch as high as the utmost heavens, and search into and contemplate the darkest abyss, and the broad expanse of […]

The Quilt

[…] was thin and flat as wallpaper. Parley was her brother. Sarah knew he had died in either World War I or World War II—she couldn’t remember which.  “It’s okay, Gran,” Sarah said. “Go back […]

A Proselytor’s Dream

[…] us, I was refused access to her bedroom, although I had been her favorite once.  When my World Religions class toured the Huntsville monastery, I scrutinized every brick and window pane, wondering about Grandma’s […]

Shocks of Grain

[…] and drove them to the barn. He’d have to get that binder back to David but not today. Dave’s grain was cut already and he wouldn’t mind if Ben kept the binder another few […]

The Black Door

Hyrum Black had three wives. All of the people up and down Tudor Avenue knew that. In fact, I suppose all of the people in Salt Lake City knew that there were polygamists among […]

A Rock, A Fir, and A Magpie

[…] plural marriage. He was trying to illustrate the idea that prophets sometimes receive a revelation before the world is ready. Jim wouldn’t believe it. In all his years in the Church, he’d never heard […]

Last Tag

The boy liked to visit his Polish grandparents in their small, brick bungalow just around the corner from the parish church. The neigh borhood was clean, orderly. Almost everyone was Polish or Irish, and […]


Marta Pillahuel was very old. She lived in the country with her pigs on one side and her chickens on the other. Her wooden house leaned to the east and let in the weather—a […]

Palm Sunday

“We Mormons lack ‘joy in the Lord,’” Bishop Lewis told his counselors and the ward secretary at the start of bishopric meeting on Palm Sunday morning. They listened attentively. “The name of Jesus is […]