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The “Lectures on Faith”: A Case Study in Decanonization

The “Lectures on Faith,” seven 1834-35 lessons on theology and doctrine prepared for the “School of the Elders” in Kirtland, Ohio, were canonized in the 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants by official vote…

Letters to the Editor

[…] doubt that structure limits function, but to argue that structure always determines function ignores too much knowledge about human socialization.  Stout’s proposition that there are bio logically based differences in sexual propensity seems irrefutable, but […]

The Judiciary and the Common Law in Utah Territory, 1850-61

[…] neither more nor less than rule of action founded in justice for the proper regulation of the human family in their social intercourse, and written with the utmost plainness.” They contrasted this “law” with […]

Hugh B. Brown: The Early Years

[…] “I hope someday I can talk with God as this man does.”  Of course, all men are human, and I learned later in life that even the General Authorities have faults and failings. President […]

A Life Well-Shared | Margaret Rampton Munk, So Far: Poems

In the Fall of 1985 DIALOGUE published Meg Munk’s suite of poems entitled, “One Year.” In a mature voice and through particular images, she dramatized her battle with cancer. In the spring of 1986, this…