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“Like There’s No Tomorrow”

I suspect you’re less interested in such talk than Shakespeare and I. I’m twenty years closer to death than most of you, and poor Will is centuries gone. But you’re closer than you think. […]

Ethical Issues in Reproductive Medicine: A Mormon Perspective

Dialogue 18.2 (Summer 1985): 42
For this reason, I would suggest that in theory— and sometimes even in practice—”Mormonism” typically sees frontiers in medicine such as those we have discussed as opportunities for expanding its […]

Excommunication and Finding Wholeness

Dialogue 54.1 (Spring 2021): 69–79
Five years after my excommunication, I met and entered into a relationship with the man who is my husband to this day. We became a couple in 1991; we […]

Women and Priesthood

[…] (Winter 1981): 48–59
I smiled wryly at the cartoon on the stationery. The picture showed a woman st anding before an all-male ecclesiastical board and asking, “Are you trying to tell me that God is […]

The Dream of a Mormon Colony in the Near East

[…] and importance. Typical of his efforts is the following from an article appearing in the Deseret Evening News.  . . . . But when the day comes that we shall have a gathering point […]


[…] sheets from the closet. Lucille couldn’t quite believe it either. Making the bed, she kept seeing the newspaper headlines: “Mother-Daughter Murdered by Vagrant.” Kicking herself for being so trusting of a total stranger. And […]

The Divorced Latter-day Saint

[…] long series of domestic quarrels.  The following morning, when I found my house locked and the f amily car gone, I knew my wife and I and our three children would never again live […]

The Challenge of Secularism

[…] of the messages coming from General Authorities of rural backgrounds and the alarmist editorials of the Deseret News against the “new” economics which have been accepted for over thirty years by both political parties. […]