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Justice, Solidarity, and the Spirit of Elijah

[…] of Elijah.” This interpretation requires us not only to perform temple ordinances as a means to save humanity in the next life but also to focus on the dire need for confronting and reversing […]

Book of Mormon Stories That My Teachers Kept From Me

[…] of grand first general conference report in which the life mission of Jesus of Nazareth, with its human contexts and conflicts, its personalities and parables, its trials and ambiguities and quiet human moments, is […]

Mormon and Queer at the Crossroads

[…] and Heavenly Mother, to become divine parents of spirit children who will go through the formative experience human beings are currently undergoing. The faith avows a concept of eternal gender, connoting that human souls […]

On Fidelity, Polygamy, and Celestial Marriage

[…] 116). He saw fidelity as central to married love, which he portrayed as the supreme form of human happiness and wholeness at the end of each of his comedies and the violation or interruption […]

Mormon Architecture Today: The Temple as a Symbol

[…] has always implied a suitability of environment which negates mere dimensional adequacy as the primary factor in design. When environment created for religious purposes fails to provoke the desired emotional response from the participant, […]

The Intellectual Tradition of the Latter-day Saints

[…] What everyone else is willing to admit, namely that ideas and abstractions are of signal importance in human life, he imperatively feels.” How open and pious have Latter-day Saint scholars been in searching for […]