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Dialogue Digital Premium Articles for $1.99 Each

*Now Available! The Fall 2012 Issue’s premium digital articles are ready to download! Each is just $1.99. Grab some of the best of the best from Mormon academic conferences including UVU Mormon Studies Conference, the Mormon History Association Conference, the BYU Women’s Studies Conference, the Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research Conference, the Mormon Scholars Foundation Summer Fellowship Conference, the Association of Mormon Letters Conference, and the Mormon Scholars in the Humanities Conference. Plus more!*
Dialogue is pleased to present a new way to enjoy premium content: Digital Premium Articles. For just $1.99 each, you can download individual articles, poetry compilations, reviews, letters and more from your favorite recent Dialogue Journal. It’s a great way to enjoy sections of Dialogue that interest you if you are not a subscriber, and if you are, it’s a fantastic way of introducing Dialogue articles to your friends and family as gifts!
Click here to peruse all the articles available.

Samuel Brown says that in "Mormonism's Abandoned Race Policy: Context Matters"

In a blog post for the Huffington Post, Samuel Brown offers up three points that he explains often, and most recently by John G. Turner in a New York Times piece “are commonly misunderstood.” Brown explains
“First, some Mormons are racist.
Second, some Mormons are not racist.
Third, whether Mormon church leaders should issue an institutional apology for the prior policy of racial exclusion is about more than just racism.”
Click in for a fuller examination of these points to which Brown concludes…

In Memoriam: Richard H. Cracroft

Dialogue author and former Associate Editor Richard H. Cracroft passed away last week and in honor of his life, we bring back his classic review of President Spencer W. Kimball’s The Miracle of Forgiveness wherein he says “Throughout, however, Elder Kimball’s message is clear: he, like the Lord, will not tolerate the sin, but he will love the sinner. This gentle but authoritative tone becomes a pattern in his correspondence (from which he quotes frequently), a pattern of practical advice coupled with spirituality. President Kimball clearly feels comfortable in blending the short and the long range to achieve happiness in human relationships.” Click in his full observations.
And for more on his remarkable life, see the following links:

Pragmatism and Progress: An Overview of LDS Sister Missionary Service in the Twentieth Century

Professor Andrea Radke-Moss provides a fascinating overview of sister missionary service in the history of the church over at Juvenile Instructor, which proves to spotlight why Saturday’s announcement was truly revolutionary:

“President Thomas S. Monson’s announcement in General Conference on Saturday, October 6, 2012, that young women can now serve missions at age 19 is no less than revolutionary. This move might seem like a pragmatic attempt to boost global missionary efforts. However, a brief historical overview of the last century’s changes for sister missionaries provides some useful context for how remarkable this policy really is.

The "Mormon Moment" What Does it Mean? Patheos Roundtable

Patheos hosted an online roundtable discussion deconstructing the “Mormon Moment” with pieces from Matthew Bowman, James Faulconer, Terryl and Fiona Givens, Emily Jensen, Laurie Maffly-Kipp, Patrick Mason, Neylan McBaine, Richard Mouw, Nathan Oman, and John Turner.
Patheos introduce it this way: “the year 2012 was in many ways the Year of the Mormons. Several national magazines devoted cover stories to the minority faith, and reporters sought to re-interpret the young religion for a broad audience. The candidacies of Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman raised the faith’s profile, while a new musical that had little to do with the actual Book of Mormon broke records on Broadway. We invited a panel of experts to comment on the so-called “Mormon Moment”: What does it mean for the church, its adherents, for the media, and for religion in America?”

Winter 2012 Issue

By Brian ChristensenFor those with premium access, the Winter 2012 issue is up and begins with two path-breaking articles—Stephen Taysom frames a discussion of the gold plates in terms of Robert Orsi’s theory of “abundant events,” and Walter Van Beek uses the history of the Dutch temple to ask important questions about how temples work within communities to create sacred space. There are also two wonderful personal essays—one lighthearted, one wrenching, both deeply thoughtful. The Fiction section offers stories from two of the best Mormon storytellers of their generations—Levi Peterson and Jack Harrell. Excellent new poetry, curated by new poetry editor Tyler Chadwick, and several informative and thought-provoking book reviews round out the issue. The issue concludes with a talk by Russell Hancock, on learning to pray on one’s feet as well as one’s knees—finding a way forward to spiritual growth and confidence even in the absence of unmistakable spiritual manifestations.
If you don’t have premium access, you can purchase individual articles for $1.99 each, pick up the entire issue for $15.00, or become a subscriber and enjoy Dialogue content for an entire year!

Grant Hardy on recent scriptural changes

After looking at “The King James Bible and the Future of Missionary Work” for Dialogue last summer, Grant Hardy now looks at the recent scriptural changes for Faith Promoting Rumor at Patheos, lamenting that accuracy has been unfortunately delayed in “The 2013 Adjustments to the Book of Mormon.
Here’s an excerpt:
“…So for the Book of Mormon, the 2013 adjustments are a holding pattern. I look forward to the day when the Church will return to trajectory set in 1981 of “bring[ing] the material into conformity with prepublication manuscripts and early editions edited by the Prophet Joseph Smith.” Perhaps in that future, more fully revised edition, we will also get indications of the original, longer chapter divisions (since the original manuscript suggests that those breaks were written on the Gold Plates, and hence were intended by Nephi, Mormon, and Moroni), and maybe even a return to paragraphs—the formatting of the Book of Mormon during Joseph Smith’s lifetime.”

C.S. Lewis and Mormonism, Mormon Matters Podcast

cs-lewisIn this new podcast “C.S. Lewis and Mormonism,” Book Review Editor Blair Hodges joins Mormon Matters host Dan Wotherspoon and other panelists Mahonri Stewart and Katie Langston to discuss “Lewis’s life and writings and impact both in religious conversation at large as well as in their own lives. Especially within their own lives and spiritual journey.”
For more on C.S. Lewis and how he influences Mormon thought, see Blair Hodges’ Dialogue article “‘All Find What They Truly Seek’: C. S. Lewis, Latter-day Saints, and the Virtuous Unbeliever

Review: Adam Miller’s “Rube Goldberg Machines”

rgmTitle: Rube Goldberg Machines: Essays in Mormon Theolog
I watched Groundhog Day the other night. I’ve owned the DVD for years but never tore the plastic wrapping until Adam Miller put a bug in my ear via one of his theological essays. (It was just as good as I remembered it!) Miller, the theological film critic. I laughed when Phil, Bill Murray’s character, punched Ned Ryerson in the face at a busy intersection and I teared up as he fruitlessly pummeled the chest of a dying homeless man in a freezing alleyway. “Come on, pops, come on pops, don’t die on me.” Watching Phil struggle through incomprehension, laugh at absurdity, and find joy in relationships, reminded me a lot of reading Miller’s book. I’d already read great reviews of it, I couldn’t wait to get a copy. But I hit many more brick walls than I anticipated. This deceptively thin volume will take much more of your time than you might think. It felt at times like the alarm clock kept hitting 6:00 AM, February 2, and I was in for another round of difficulty. Not that all the essays were the same, but that they were each difficult in their own way. It’s way above my level to feel confident in doing this, but my review is an attempt to help readers like me have a better chance at making it through the book.