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Mental Illness and George Albert Smith

[…] that the Curriculum Committee of the church missed a tremendous opportunity with the production of the manual for study this year. Most of us know someone who has struggled with mental illness. We know […]

MHA Awards Nominations: February 15th Deadline

[…] history during 2011 at its annual 2012 conference, which will be held in June in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The submission deadline is February 15, 2012. Books should be submitted in hard copy in the […]

Watch Editor Kristine Haglund on C-SPAN discussing Mormonism and Politics

Editor Kristine Haglund is one of a panel of experts–also including Boston College Professor of Political Science and media commenter Alan Wolfe, Boston University Professor of Religion Stephen Prothero (according to Sally Quinn— best religious scholar in the country ) and moderator Mark Massa, dean of the School of Theology and Ministry– who discussed โ€œAre Mormons the New Catholics and Jews? Mitt Romney and the State of the Union” at Boston College on March 13.

You can watch the C-SPAN video (aired March 15th) of the discussion here.

Introducing Book Reviews

[…] new memoir (“This brings me to what I understand to be the heart of the matter, especially for Mormon readers of Brooksโ€™s book: the tension between personal and institutional revelation; or, questions of authority.”) […]