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The Bowhunter

[…] go. But the voice was not his but his son’s. Whiney Jack, Jr., spindly, fidgety, nervous-in the- service. And so damn tense. When he ate, his bowels knotted up and he would be constipated […]


[…] was doing things that ordinarily kept a person awake, like sitting at the desk in the kitchen writing thank-you notes or doing the accounting or even talking to Clayton, her forestry professor husband, at […]

A Reading Group

[…] of television and then I’m going to bed and sleep eight hours and then decide whether to get up, or go back to sleep.” But I didn’t say that. Instead I asked, “What do […]


[…] back for folded chairs, but they were all in use. I was about to bail out alto gether when the speaker paused, smiled at me, and gestured to the front. All heads turned in […]

Ziontales: An Excerpt

[…] I have courage to stand up for principle despite personal risk, when I do the occasional altruistic service for the sake of my community—those good values spring from the culture of Mormon Utah and […]

Pancha Loca

[…] to himself, not relating to her friends, spending most of his time in his room, reading, practicing, writing, and smoking, casting a shadow over the whole hospital, only coming out for group and anger […]

Heart of the Fathers

[…] this morning’s activities:  Barbara Cugno,  Admissions Director, V.A. Psychiatric Hospital  Fort Lyon, Colorado  Dear Ms. Cugno:  I’m writing you and your staff, pursuant to my discussion with you this morning on the telephone.  You […]

Elizabeth, and Dying Wishes

[…] funeral. What was unsettling was the clear instruction that Jess, as Relief Society president, conduct the funeral service. Not just sit on the stand, but conduct it from beginning to end.  The Neeleys had […]

Easter Service

[…] We watched the line of sunlight slowly moving across the narrow mountain valley towards us, huddling to gether, glad the snow had left the valley a few weeks ago. I’m always happy to see […]