Search Results for ❤️ Pae mo te whakaipoipo: ❤️ Tohu Awhina Mo Te Koroni Mo Nga Taangata Koreutu

Review: Christopher Higgs, Becoming Monster

Cross-posted at By Common Consent by Blair Hodges
What is a human?
David Grandy called my attention to Richard Dawkins calling attention to G.G. Simpson’s assertion that “all attempts to answer that question before 1859 [the year Darwin published Origin of the Species] are worthless and . . . we will be better off if we ignore them completely.”[1] Pay no attention to the human behind the definition of “human,” we’re told–or perhaps, warned. After all, paying close attention to the ways the human has been defined historically will certainly upset Fundamentalist-minded atheists and Christians alike; the folks who fear the liminal, the shifting, the outer rims, the ungraspable, the uncontrollable, the monster.

Review: Jack Harrell, A Sense of Order and Other Stories

For other Jack Harrell offerings featured in Dialogue, check out “Form and Integrity” and “A Visit for Tregan.”
Reviewed by Blair Hodges at
I didn’t like every story in Jack Harrell’s collection of short stories, A Sense of Order and Other Stories. But a few of them stuck with me over the past few months, occasionally surfacing at the shoreline as the cognitive tide recedes just before sleep.

Book Review: Common Ground/Different Opinions: Latter-day Saints and Contemporary Issues

51xxyLsqujL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Another review of Common Ground/Different Opinions: Latter-day Saints and Contemporary Issues, eds. Justin F. White and James E. Faulconer by Michael Austin, Dialogue Board member, and Provost of Newman University in Wichita, KS.

Cross-posted at By Common Consent

As citizens, we must argue with each other about important things. Participating in an inherently adversarial political system means proposing arguments and defending positions. Both our nation and the Constitution that governs it are built on a process designed to turn vigorous discussion and debate into manageable lumps of compromise that permit us to move ahead.
As Latter-day Saints, however, we must be of one heart and one mind. Becoming a Zion people means that we covenant to bear one another’s burdens that they may be light, to mourn with those that mourn, to comfort those who stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God in all times and in all things (Mosiah 18:8-9).
These are not mutually exclusive responsibilities, of course, but they can be difficult to reconcile in the real world. To be good citizens and good saints, we must either learn how to agree with each other about everything, which is impossible, or we must find ways to disagree as loving brothers and sisters, which is really hard.

Prophets, race and feminism

Cathy Stokes
Three Mormon themed podcasts caught our ear this week, two of which featured Board Member Joanna Brooks. First the Sistas in Zion get reactions from with black members and others on the new Race and the Priesthood gospel topic page. Cathy Stokes, Marvin Perkins, Joanna Brooks all join them as guests.
With the recent official statement on Race and the Priesthood promoting discussions on “the difficult issue of prophets and apostles who are subject to the influences of culture and largely unexamined assumptions of their day that color their understandings of and impact their statements about sometimes very important matters,” Dan Wotherspoon over at the Mormon Matters podcast asks Joanna Brooks and Ronda Callister to open up their hearts in discussing their personal journey in finding “Peace with Human Prophets.”

Review: Stephen H. Webb’s Mormon Christianity

By Blair Hodges
Cross-posted at By Common Consent

webbcover-198x300What if Joseph Smith’s vision of God really does have something important to say to all Christians today?“
— Stephen H. Webb

The recent “Mormon moment” exasperated theologian Stephen Webb. It wasn’t that Mitt Romney’s presidential run lent undue legitimacy to the LDS Church, or that Webb thought the media went too soft on the religious background of the Republican nominee. Although he is not a Mormon himself, Webb was unnerved by shallow discussions about Mormon underwear and other apparent trivialities. According to Webb, such conversations fail to pay due attention to Mormon metaphysics—the way Mormons understand the nature of matter, humans, God, and existence. His new book, Mormon Christianity, explores the development and coherence of this core belief taught by Joseph Smith: “There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes…” (D&C 131:7). Mormons make no ultimate distinction between spirit and matter, the natural and supernatural, which largely sets them apart from the broader Christian tradition. ”The Mormon imagination is solidly grounded in material reality,” writes Webb, “but it takes the physical world to new and unheard-of heights” (10). Webb believes Christian lungs can benefit from the rarefied air of these heights.

Book Review: Richard J. Mouw’s Talking With Mormons

Cross-posted at By Common Consent by Blair Hodges
cover-mouwLast week, popular Christian evangelist Ravi Zacharias returned to Salt Lake City to address Mormons and other Christians from the Tabernacle pulpit. Back in 2004, Zacharias’s historic Tabernacle address was overshadowed in the news by Richard Mouw’s controversial introductory remarks. Mouw, president of the Fuller Theological Seminary, issued an apology to Mormons on behalf of evangelicals who he said had sinned against Mormonism by misrepresenting their beliefs and practices. Over the past decade, the evangelical (Calvinist) Christian has continued to dialog with various Mormons in order to promote better interfaith relationships. During the last two presidential elections he became one of the many go-to sources for news outlets seeking soundbites on evangelical views of Mormonism. He’s taken a lot of heat for this within his religious community–early on being told that he didn’t know Mormons well enough and so would easily be deceived by them, later being told he had become too close to Mormons to have a clear view of their dangerous heresies.
His new book Talking with Mormons: An Invitation to Evangelicals is an effort to educate the evangelical community about his ongoing work with Mormonism.

Another Approach to Tame and Wild Olive Trees, or Yearning for Home and Adventure

shawnThe most common reading of Jacob 5 involves the history of the House of Israel. What follows is another approach to that allegory. This is not meant at all to replace the standard readings; it is just another approach.
Jacob 5 includes a contrast between tame and wild olive trees. The tame trees seem sure and steady, but they also prone to becoming listless, almost lethargic. The wild trees seem to brim with life and energy, but display a propensity to lack focus for that vitality. When the tame trees begin to decay, the Lord of the vineyard wants them to produce new life in the form of young, tender branches (Jacob 5:4). When this is only somewhat successful, the Lord of the vineyard determines to graft the tame branches with the wild branches (versus 7-8). What seems obvious from this is how the Lord of the vineyard seeks to keep the best of the tame branches, perhaps their good fruit and stability, and combine that with the vibrant energy of the wild branches.

The Dialogue Diet

printAs I’ve thought about this, I have come up with an idea that might be helpful for people troubled by their internet-based discoveries about the Church. I am going to call this the “Dialogue diet.” What I propose is a program of reading (with some skimming and skipping allowed, of course) the entire print run of Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. (You can start at the beginning and work your way forward, or start with the most recent issue and work your way backward, I don’t think it really matters very much which direction you go.) My thinking behind this is as follows:
Just telling someone to “become extremely well read in Mormonism” is less than helpful. Your average member simply would have no idea where to start on such a quest, and the task would seem so overwhelming as to be self-defeating from the start. Reading Dialogue from stem to stern is at least a very well defined task.

Deseret News looks at Lester Bush's famous article

2804LIn “LDS blacks, scholars cheer church’s essay on priesthood” at the Deseret News, Lester Bush’s famous Dialogue piece is referenced.
“Rees was the editor of Bush’s article. He knew friends and associates who left the church over the issue in the ’60s and ’70s.”
Many friends of Dialogue, including board members and writers, are also quoted, including Patrick Mason, Paul Reeve, Armand Mauss, Robert Rees and more.
For more Dialogue articles like Lester Bush’s article, please see the “Race Issues” topic page.

Watch videos from inaugural Mormonism and Asia conference


Videos from GLOBAL CROSSROADS: Mormonism and Asia in the Twenty-First Century March 22, 2014 were just released.

Enjoy presentations from Melissa Inyoue, Laurie Maffly-Kipp, Elizabeth Heath, Staci Ford, Joanna Brooks, Gina Colvin and more.