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Controlling Pornography: The Scientific and Moral Issues

[…] years discussing what has become known as “the new morality.” Such articles have appeared in the daily newspapers, news magazines, women’s magazines, general interest pictorial magazines, as well as in dignified journals of thought. […]

The Twentieth Century: Challenge for Mormon Historians

[…] of special interest, appears twice annually in B.Y.U. Studies and is sent to all association members. A Newsletter keeps members informed of meetings, business, projects, and awards. The association also annually awards prizes for […]

Mary Fielding Smith: Her Ox Goes Marching On

[…] for women to explore individual talents, and in the “daughter” role encouraged by the Church they founded newspapers, sought educations and developed creative talents.  It is obvious that now the Church sees a real […]

A Personal Odyssey: My Encounter with Mormon History

[…] from the need for external physical proofs of faith or any hierarchical mediation by external authority. George Fox, the chief founder of Quakerism, declared that he had experienced by direct revelation from God truths […]

Making Sense of the Senseless: An Irish Education

[…] no. He was making sure there weren’t any British spies around. Now that sounds crazy, but the news has just broken here about several spies, some who have been at organizational meetings he’s attended. […]

Where Everyone Builds Bombs

[…] down for lack of funding, 12,000 people turned out for a hastily organized protest rally. The local newspaper, the Tri-City Herald, often runs pro-nuclear editorials. Sometimes when I read stories about leaks in Hanford’s […]

Reflections on the Restoration

[…] Testament times. John Huss and Martin Luther attacked practices of the Catholic Church. John Wesley and George Fox, founders of Methodism and the Society of Friends, sought to recover the true spirit of Christianity […]

Rooted in Christian Hope: The Case for Pacifism

[…] of work were prescribed. Some industries were reduced or closed and some artificially fostered. The publication of news was fettered. Streetlights were dimmed. The sacred freedom of drinking was tampered with: licensed hours were […]

Lavina Fielding Anderson (1944-2022)

[…] Thought when it was located in Virginia.  In mid-1981, Mary Bradford, the editor, gave me the distressing news that Lavina, who had been on the editorial staff of The Ensign, had been fired.  Nearly […]

Mormon and Queer at the Crossroads

[…] This essay explores conflicting messages within LDS teaching on LGBT rights, when it both opposed same-sex marriage and in the wake of Prop 8 also came out in support of other LGBT rights that […]