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My Father’s Name Was Sam

[…] moved back into the area where the writer, Ross Macdonald, renewed his encouragement and guidance. I began writing a weekly newspaper column, and more and more I found myself turning to my childhood experiences […]

Living with Opposition in All Things

[…] personal sharing with friends is not enough—they finally need to be written.  My excuse for committing to writing my struggles with Mormon paradoxes came from a meeting of the Society for Values in Higher […]

First Indian Convert’s Testimony

[…] the normal members. They took up the minis tership only as a job because they could not get any other job.  At this stage in April 1954,1 was on the verge of leaving Christianity […]

Mormonism: From Its New York Beginnings

[…] spring of 1820. As related by him a few years later, he had gone to many religious services, studied the Bible intently, conducted conversations with many believers, and become “convicted of my sins.”  By […]

A Mighty Change of Heart

[…] The article is a tongue-in-cheek guide for would-be Mormon writers. He called it “Little Did She Realize— Writing for the Mormon Market.” And he gave a prototype example of a “little did she realize” […]

Personal Conscience and Priesthood Authority

[…] While few would consciously deny that the purposes of religious activity are individual lives of integrity and service, in the LDS Church we are especially prone to make strict judgments about the means and […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

“Of all the religious sects to emerge out of nineteenth-century America,” as Newsweek’s religion editor Kenneth L. Woodward recently observed, “only the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has developed into a worldwide faith.”…