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Mothers and Daughters: Parting

No husband summoned me to Koshi. BYU, Washington, D.C., and a mission president in Tokyo summoned me long before a husband. And even when it was a husband, he summoned me no farther than California. But I too was my mother’s prize, her only daughter. And I suspect each time I left, my mother’s feelings were no different than Lady Otomo’s. For Mother ex pressed her longing and loneliness not in a poem or a letter, but in carefully selected personal stories shared over a sink of peach pits, skins, and sterile quart jars. 

Scientific Foundations of Mormon Theology

[…] amino acids, spontaneously formed in a flask of “primordial soup” chemicals. Although thirty years later provocative re search continues in the field, scientists concede that they have not established a complete credible scenario for […]

Twenty Years with Dialogue: On Building the Kingdom with Dialogue

[…] new things that would have previously been impossible in Mormon publications: I think of Carol Hansen’s ground- breaking personal essay, “The Death of a Son,” the challenging roundtables on Vietnam and urbanization and civil […]

A Life Well-Shared | Margaret Rampton Munk, So Far: Poems

[…] her extraordinary perceptions to the rhythms of speech and the concrete details of ordinary life.  In “The News” she mentally rehearses a scene in which the tumor is pronounced “benign,” and then with a […]

For Bonnie

[…] Of college seemed like mountains — the sky a dome  So large, a farm girl could not search it all.  But then, with him, you strove with gentle pain  (Your young but work-worn hands […]