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Kevin Barney reflects on being a blogger

[…] href=””>Reflections of a Blogger” after 6.5 years and 402 posts on By Common Consent. He explains his writing history, including how “While I was in law school I published my first real scholarly article, […]

Special Dialogue Podcast: "Spirit of Dialogue" Conference Session 4

These special Dialogue podcasts, released in honor of our Dialogue Jubilee on September 30, has writers, thinkers, scholars, historians, advocates, editors and leaders presenting their ideas on what has made Dialogue strong in the past 50 years and what will continue it’s legacy in the coming decades. In this fourth session, Armand Mauss discusses “The Dialogue Dream: From Inception to the Present.”

Special Dialogue Podcast: "Spirit of Dialogue" Conference Session 6

In this sixth session at the Spirit of Dialogue conference, Darius Gray, Alice Faulkner Burch, Paul Reeve, Greg Prince, and Margaret Blair Young look at “Letting our Differences Make a Difference: Dialogue’s Role in Mormon Diversity.”

Remembering Armand Lind Mauss: 1928-2020

[…] critiques of our work, we have never failed to take advantage of his critical insights, and our writing always has been substantially improved as a result. No contemporary scholar has had greater influence on […]

Book of Mormon Stories That My Teachers Kept From Me

[…] those lives appear so uncomplicated and so unlike our own.  Roland Barthes writes about two kinds of writing in the world (1982, 185-93). One, self-absorbed and literary, which for this very reason provokes us, […]