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Confusion, U.S.A. | John Birch Society, Anarchy, U.S.A

[…] when the film implies that a Castro slogan “Venceremos!” (which probably means “Let’s Win”) was translated into English by Negro Communists and set to music as “We Shall Overcome.” Actually the music is an […]

Toward a History of Ancient America

[…] article is that pre-Columbian America was not isolated from the rest of the world, but for tho usands of years had been in contact with the Eastern Hemisphere. At times the contacts were sustained […]

The Shyster

[…] rather than women. Two of them, Le Hahn and Nguyen Cam, were from Vietnam and spoke broken English. The willowy Elsa appeared to have taken them under her wing. According to her, their given […]

Northing by Musket and Sextant

[…] a stop, he leaned out the windows and spoke. “You go there,” he said with his best English accent, repeating the previous finger-pointing performance.  Steven’s gaze followed the finger to the fork in the […]

The Search for Truth and Meaning in Mormon History

[…] Church has kept minutes of its meetings and other documents, individuals have kept diaries and journals, and newspapers and magazines have published items of contemporary and earlier history. Thus, a surprisingly complete record of […]

Imperceptive Hands: Some Recent Mormon Verse

[…] old brother” (in “Triple Treehouse”; the brother is apparently two years older than the speaker). No freshman English teacher, I hope, would let those pass by. Finally, the idiom is simply and flatly prosaic; […]

The Politics of B.H. Roberts

[…] of counts, especially for his polygamy. Meanwhile, the Church did little to defend him; the Church-owned Deseret News avoided discussion of specific campaign issues, and President George Q. Cannon’s timely opinion (announced a few […]