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Mormon Women and the Right to Wage Work

Dialogue 23.4 (Winter 1990): 47–82In this essay, I will analyze recent Church discourse against a pattern of constricting employment options for women and will discuss the implications of that pattern.

Writing the Mormon Past

[…] be unconvincing to this reader. See Brodie, pp. 434-465.  Linn’s response to Smith’s intriguing views on national politics in 1844 was simply, “It seems almost incomprehensible that the promulgator of such political views could […]

The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Mormon Dilemma?

[…] The Middle East has great strategic significance, and is thus one of the central arenas of world politics. This strategic importance arises chiefly from three factors. First, the Middle East is a bridge connecting […]

The Church in Latin American: Progress and Challenge

[…] 1968, Provo, Utah. See “Sell that Thou Hast . . . and Come and Follow Me,” Church News (March 9, 1968), p. 11. Anyone interested in participating in or organizing a Friends of AYUDA […]

Bernard Devoto and the Mormon Tradition

[…] psychology and literature, three volumes of essays which may serve as a chronicle of the issues dominating American life for twenty-five years (1930-1955), hundreds of reviews and articles on an astonishing range of topics, […]

Hanging by a Thread: Mormons and Watergate

[…] Nixon’s betrayal on Mormons, a turning from gullibility—from perhaps too unthinking approval of Nixon—to cynicism about all politics. It is another in the long list of tragic ironies of Watergate that Nixon, whose oft-repeated […]

Among the Mormons

[…] 435-446.  Moody, Thurmon Dean. “Nauvoo’s Whistling and Whittling Brigade.” BYU Studies 15 (Summer 1975): 480-490.  Law and Politics Bair, JoAnn W., and Richard L. Jensen. “Prosecution of the Mormons in Arizona Territory in the […]

Orson Pratt: Prolific Pamphleteer

[…] of twelve lectures of 1851-1852 in the Salt Lake Valley. These lectures were published in the Deseret News in 1854, with an expanded version delivered again in Salt Lake City, in January and February 1871. […]