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Ancient America and the Book of Mormon Revisited

[…] shape of inverted triangles.  Incense altars of limestone were also used which were decorated with feline or human feline hybrid motifs which connoted fertility.  E. Standing stones (stele) as cult objects  Series of such […]

The Strength of the Mormon Position

[…] need to identify with a Being of power but without such forbidding distance that his participation in human affairs is inconceivable.  McMurrin has set up a dilemma for Christian theology worthy of Orson Pratt: […]

Church Influence Upon the Family

[…] Courtship and Marriage and in Family Relations at L.D.S. Institutes of Religion and the doctoral program in Human Development and Family Relations (among other doctoral programs in the social sciences at Brigham Young University) […]

Mormons and Psychiatry

[…] these attempts may fail at times of stress and are always subject to large distortions because as humans we inherently have little ability to see other than that which we wish to see. We […]

The Rule of Law and the Dilemma of Minorities

Civil disturbances are rarely born of frivolous causes. Human beings are more inclined to suffer grievances than to pit themselves in what usually ap pears to be a hopeless battle against the authority and […]

Concern for the Urban Condition

[…] affiliates have been active in setting up bi-racial and inter-faith summer day camps for young children and human relations seminars for teenagers and adults. All of the Methodist churches in Phoenix have committed themselves […]

Virginia Sorensen: A Saving Remnant

[…] of them weren’t mainly victims of bad timing.” What my awakening really consisted of was a refreshing realization that some of those giants from our past were really human beings after all (“saints by adoption”).