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The Gold Plates and Ancient Metal Epigraphy

[…] ‘Holy to Yahweh.’” However, there are various problems with this characterization. Aside from the fact that the dating of the passage is uncertain, we have many more reliable examples of early Hebrew writing on […]

Tiny Papers: Peruvian Mormon Substances of Relatedness

[…] and Engineers Through Society (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988). Janan Graham-Russell, “A Balm in Gilead: Reconciling Black Bodies within a Mormon Imagination,” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 51, no. 3 (Fall 2018): […]

The Epiphany by Melodie Jackson

[…] of driving through “the ghetto” with a bat in his hand in case someone mistook his non black skin and blushed, red cheeks for a baseball. I checked my twitter because TVs were now […]

The Development of the Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony

[…] Wise; Director: Wetzel O. Whitaker; Assistant Director: Dave Jacobs, For example, the preacher’s reference to Satan having black skin was omitted in recent years; compare Witte and Fraser c1980, 23 with Sackett 1982, 38. […]

The Renovation of Marsha Fletcher

[…] he was drunk, too. . . .” This one was about seventeen, with a mop of thick black hair covering his ears and forehead. His dark skin, unblemished, shone as if it had been […]

Apple Indian

[…] the skyline, thickening the fog. The effect was arctic, a strangely cold beauty that made the faint black hairs on her forearms stiffen.  Icing. She snipped open a package with scissors, emptied the pink […]


[…] corn and willows.  David saw two fires flickering deep in the willows and trees, which were already black in the fading light. He hesitated; he knew it wasn’t the big hobo jungle he was […]


[…] War II ended. He was a clerk/typist in the provost marshal’s section.  Their cities mostly destroyed, the black market the only viable economy, the Germans were starving and freezing and filled with cynicism and […]

Charity Never

[…] her craw, I’d offhandedly mentioned something about naming our second daughter “Charity.”  “Charity?” she’d spat back. A black trace of sarcasm had laced her response: “Never!” She’d flung her rejection in my face like […]