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A Gentile Recommends the Book of Mormon

Dialogue 45.3 (Fall 2013):188–206The scripture I have in mind, of course, is the Book of Mormon. What follows is a Gentile’s appreciation—even recommen￾dation—of this well-known but largely unread example of world￾class scripture.

The Quest for Religious Authority and the Rise of Mormonism

[…] same year he made the dual priesthood indispensable for personal salvation and for the salvation of the world. In March, 1835, the Prophet greatly elaborated the biblical background of the higher priesthood and its […]

The Student: His University and His Church

[…] I refer to is an intellectual one. The two organizations, church and university, approach and explain the world from two quite different perspectives. And even though our society accommodates both institutions, many students find […]

The New Calling

[…] the first law of heaven and the first principle of obtaining righteousness unto the glories of the worlds hereafter, etc., etc. Only that was a little bit awkward. The next man up in my […]

The Bowhunter

[…] silence, whispers flowing secretly from tree to tree. Children’s voices. They grew louder, rising to a glass- breaking pitch. He had heard that sound before also, walking down the corridor at church:  Whenever I […]

The Church in Latin American: Progress and Challenge

Non-Catholic religious groups have been increasing at a rapid rate in Latin America since World War II. For example, during the five-year period, 1952-57, the number of Protestants expanded from 2,866,000 to 4,534,000—a fifty-eight […]

Reed Smoot, The L.D.S. Church and Progressive Legislation, 1903-1933

[…] unable to care for themselves has rested with government. English settlers brought the tradition to the New World and Americans carried it westward as the nation expanded. Private and religious charitable associations supplemented governmental […]

The Gospel, Mormonism and American Culture

[…] issue of Dialogue emphasizes the relationship between Mormonism and American culture. John Sorenson’s lead article on “Mormon World View and American Culture” sets the stage by attempting to make a distinction between the gospel […]

The Politics of B.H. Roberts

[…] most popular and exciting speakers, a missionary, theologian, journalist, and widely admired champion of Mormonism before the world; and Roberts’ day was a long one—for nearly forty-five years he served as a general authority […]

How International is the Church in Japan?

[…] put the titles of part 3 and chapter 32 into “Mor monism Which Spreads into All the World” and “Transforming into a World-wide Church” from their original “The Twentieth Century” and “Salt Lake City […]