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A Preview of Voices for Equality: Ordain Women and Resurgent Mormon Feminism

voices_cover2_mediumCheck out this preview of “Voices for Equality: Ordain Women and Resurgent Mormon Feminism” including this chapter by Dialogue editor Kristine Haglund and Dialogue contributor Courtney L. Rabada “The Great Lever: Women and Changing Mission Culture in Contemporary Mormonism.”
Here is a snippet:
“Since then, policies about length of service, age requirements, and the number of sisters in the field have changed in response to circumstances, seemingly quite pragmatically, without expressed concern about a need to provide doctrinal warrant. This may be, of course, because a requirement for scriptural warrant would almost certainly exclude women from proselytizing efforts—the scanty record of women’s lives in scripture offers no precedent for female missionaries.

Black, White, and Mormon: A Conference on the Evolving Status of Black Saints within the Mormon Fold

joseph-w-sitati-largeMark your calendars for October 8 & 9 for a special conference exploring “Black, White, and Mormon: A Conference on the Evolving Status of Black Saints within the Mormon Fold.” First, on October 8, Lester Bush will be giving the Sterling McMurrin Lecture on “Looking Back, Looking Forward: Mormonism’s Negro Doctrine 42 Years Later.” He will “reflect on the 42 years since his seminal article was published in Dialogue which undermined the standing historical narrative that the LDS Church’s priesthood ban began with Joseph Smith. Bush will consider the past forty years: what has changed, what has stayed the same, and what steps are yet necessary to bring about change.”

In honor of René Girard's passing

imagesProminent French intellectual René Girard recently passed away. His influence was felt in the pages of Dialogue due to Mack C. Stirling’s work on “Violence in the Scriptures: Mormonism and the Cultural Theory of René Girard” that also resulted in a marvelous dialogue with Joseph Spencer responding: “René Girard and Mormon Scripture: A Response.” Stirling also had the opportunity to interview Girard back in 2009: “Scandals, Scapegoats, and the Cross: An Interview with René Girard.” Here’s a taste: Girard: “If God had created man as happy and peaceful as cows in a nice meadow, there would be no point to the creation. In a way, suffering is part of education, but that is all we can say. We see it at only the human level. If you want to educate yourself, you have to suffer. It is more difficult than playing cards all day long. This explanation is imperfect and incomplete and doesn’t help much. Christianity is a religion which demands faith, and faith makes sense precisely because we don’t have all the pieces for understanding. Otherwise, it is not faith.

Best of Dialogue 2015


What were the most read Dialogue pieces each month of 2015? What Facebook posts generated the most discussion? Click in to find out!

Greg Prince: Analyzing this Mormon Moment

greg_Prince“What is it about Mormon theology that justifies beating up on infants?” Greg Prince was asked this by a non-Mormon friend about the new policy and he could only answer “There is nothing in Mormon theology that justifies (the policy), this is just out of the box.”
This new podcast over at A Thoughtful Faith is a must-listen for Dialogue friends as Greg Prince analyzes the Mormon moment right now with Gina Colvin. As she explains “Author and commentator Greg Prince and I talk history, theology, technology, culture, communication, relationships, disaffection, and policy in Mormonism, and we wonder together about the church’s present and future.”

Book Review: Son of the Black Sword: The Saga of the Forgotten Warrior I

25952316Son of the Black Sword: The Saga of the Forgotten Warrior I
Larry Correia
Baen, 2015
Hardcover, 412 pp., $25.00
Reviewed by Michael R. Collings
Larry Correia’s action-adventure novels range from military thrillers to urban fantasies to epic high fantasies, often with accurately detailed depictions of modern and imagined weaponry. His first novel, Monster Hunters International, placed on the Locus bestsellers list; its sequel appeared on the New York Times lists, as have subsequent books. His series include Grimnoir Chronicles, Dead Six (with Mike Kupari), and now The Saga of the Forgotten Warrior. His work in speculative fiction/fantasy is highly regarded, as is the straightforwardness with which he defends his stands on such diverse issues as the role of speculative fiction in society and gun use and gun control.
For readers familiar with Correia’s work only through his Monster Hunters International series, Son of the Black Sword might seem like an established approach to an accustomed pattern. In the first pages, Correia presents his hero, Ashok Vadal, with a monster to be dispatched: a sea-demon threatening to destroy villages along the coast of the continent Lok

Book Review: Unforgettable

Eric James Stone
Baen, January 2005
Trade paperback, 250pp., #15.00
Reviewed by Michael R. Collings
Eric James Stone is perhaps best known in the science-fiction community for his Nebula-winning, Hugo-nominated story, “That Leviathan Whom Thou Hast Made” (2010), one of fifty published short stories. “Leviathan” demonstrated Stone’s ability to tell a compelling story incorporating an SF theme—alien/human interaction—with equally compelling perspectives on ethics, morality, spirituality, and religion.
His novel, Unforgettable, at first feels more focused on the physical, however, in particular on connections between individuals and the fascinating worlds posited by quantum physics. Nat Morgan is a quantum “freak,” what one character refers to as “Schrödinger’s cat burglar,” who “exists” only as long as people physically see him; precisely one minute after he leaves, they immediately forget him. His mother has forgotten him. Cell phones forget him. ATM computers—indeed all computers—forget him. Worse, his handler at the CIA forgets him, so every time Morgan contacts the agency for an assignment, he must reestablish not only his identity but his existence.

Review: Heaven, Hell, and Other People: A Wandering Review of Samuel Brown’s First Principles and Ordinances

Cross-posted at By Common Consent
By Board member Michael Austin
9780842528801There is a wonderful scene in C.S. Lewis’s The Great Divorce that has stayed with me for 30 years. In this scene, the unnamed narrator dies and finds himself in hell, which is just a huge, sprawling subdivision where everybody lives alone. Whenever people try to live near each other, they start to argue and fight, so they move further and further away. There is no fire, no brimstone, and no demons with pitchforks: just a bunch of miserable people being themselves.
Something like this is also what Jean-Paul Sartre meant by the famous line, “hell is other people.” This does not mean (as it is so often quoted as meaning) that other people are inherently hellish, or that human beings cannot face the irreducible otherness of people not themselves. Sartre puts this line in his play No Exit, in which three people are sent to hell, which turns out to be a well-decorated Victorian parlor.

My Other Father: A Tribute to Milton V. Backman, Jr. by Editor Boyd Peterson

Milton V. Backman 2
By Boyd Petersen I was lucky because I had two families. My best friend, who lived two houses down the street from me, was Mike Backman (he went by Karl in those days). We spent so much time together that we both started calling each other’s parents mom and dad. Mike’s parents were very different from mine—his mother, Kathleen, was a kind, open, loving person who laughed hard and loved board games. Mike and his mother and I would sometimes play Yahtzee or Uno and eat buttered popcorn and laugh. The only grownup I knew who was even more fun than Kathleen was her mother, Grandma McLatchy. Milt was the father who would always take me along on the father-son campouts and ward socials. His thin, tall frame always looked a bit intimidating and dignified, even in his frumpy professor dress suits, but he was always kind and caring.

Updated with video: Mormonism and the Art of Boundary Maintenance

2016_msc_website_header-01The 2016 Mormon Studies Conference convened on April 12-13th at the Utah Valley University campus. You can watch such speakers as Michael Otterson, Jana Riess, Ross Douhat and Neylan McBaine discuss “Mormonism and the Art of Boundary Maintenance” here.
Among the most important features of religious communities is the way in which they establish and maintain boundaries. Religious beliefs, practices, and identities are shaped by a complex variety of internal and external forces. From its beginnings, Mormonism has challenged the boundaries of Christianity orthodoxy and its status as a legitimate form of Christianity continues to be debated.
Conversely, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has increasingly faced boundary questions within the community. From divisions over polygamy and spiritualism in the nineteenth century to more recent debates over same-sex marriage, women’s ordination, and prophetic authority, the Church continues to wrestle with questions of diversity within its ranks. This conference will explore how Mormonism at once both challenges Christian boundaries and is challenged to enforce its own borders in the effort to maintain unity and integrity as a tradition.
This year’s conference is hosted in partnership & collaboration with the Center for Constitutional Studies’ annual Religious Freedom Symposium. For a complete schedule of their 2016 symposium, click here.