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Prophet by the Sea

One late afternoon just before sunset, the Prophet with white hair like the mane of a lion was walking by the sea with his friend, Fernando. They walked and talked about many things as the…

Kid Kirby

[…] with justly in Tooele,” she said. “I wash my hands of the people there. Knowing of Riel’s service as a Union officer, stake authorities called him on a mission to halt rustling in the […]

The Trail

[…] right?” she blurted. “The baby?”  “If the baby were here, you’d know it,” her father said. “ Get the oxen fed and make sure everyone has breakfast. Then run on ahead and fetch Sister […]

The River Rerun

[…] permit, Aunt Elaine,” Chip, Ben’s boy, had said on the phone. “A cancellation. So I’m putting to gether a trip. I know Uncle Rob always wanted to run the Colorado again, right? Now you’re […]

Feeding the Fox: A Parable

[…] seasonal services—was believed. So, Hilltown was built. In a valley.  “Hilltown need not be on a mountain top to be safe,” Peter explained, “because our greatest danger is not the fox without but the […]

A Proselytor’s Dream

[…] senile. Don’t pay any attention when she talks like that.”  I majored in medieval history in college, writing my senior thesis on “Basic Doctrinal Changes in the Catholic Church During the Medieval Period.” Grandma […]

A Ford Mustang

[…] three weeks before I did. He was an epileptic, and he had to lie about it to get the job driving trucks with Millers Blue Ribbon. But while John was in school, the epilepsy […]

Hit the Frolicking, Rippling Brooks

[…] one, two lanes. I have a crate beside me too—filled with squawking creatures of another ilk—my creative writing students’ work folders. I’ve got to play Lady God and give out grades.  It’s Thursday. Ben […]

Wild Sage

[…] trying to make peace with the letter that came this afternoon, the one that said Jamie was getting weaker every day. Jamie. My son in Canada on a mission for the Lord. “He’s wasting […]

Miguel Aju

[…] come around her back, and they held each other in the firelight, shaking again. A small memorial service was held for Estevan a month after the quake. Miguel watched Estevan’s novia throughout the meeting. […]