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White Shell

[…] encroaching winds before her time. She watches the sacred land retreat from view, afraid it will for get her, knowing her footprints on canyon floors and atop mesas have already blown away.  Mary steps […]


[…] have forgotten I was there. She sat up, composed her face and said, “Hon! You’re way late getting back to school. Run fast.” I walked to the door. “Wait,” she called, “I’ll write a […]

Garden Tomb

[…] boys on base. Maybe only three of us, but we are gonna have our own little church service.”  I looked down at my dog tags, began fumbling with the black rubber edge as if […]

Prologue to Mokasatsu

[…] “No Toshifumi?” he added mischievously, referring to a young male admirer who had been spared from military service thanks to severe myopia. An all-too-visible presence about the Yamato domicile in recent months. “Toshifumi and […]


[…] had not received letters which Musa claimed he had mailed. So began a phase of clandestine letter- writing.  Soon Leila began hiding coins left in Musa’s pants pockets. One day, emboldened by the thought […]

The Gilded Door

[…] . . . the . . .  “Brother Runyon, can you figure out who to call and get back to us?”  Brother Runyon was a history professor. He knew stuff. Maybe he could figure […]

The Newlyweds

[…] postcard slips out and falls like a pinwheel onto the beige carpet. It lands picture-side down. Hand writing stares up at me.  I don’t read it, though. I snatch it from the floor and […]

Follow Me, Boys

[…] they need to do something special before you leave.” “Oh, boy. I can’t wait.” “What are you writing?” “My resignation. I’m sick of mowing lawns.” “But you can’t quit! You need the money for […]

What It Means

[…] been as flashy as a movie actress—not the star of the movie but the brazen woman who gets in her way, like Joan Crawford got in Norma Shearer’s way in The Women. Some of […]

Hank Toy’s Devil

[…] no truck with you,” Hank said to the devil. “I got work to do.” He had to get the kitchen floor swept and the trash out before Jeanne came.  The devil slowed its orbit, […]