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The Godmakers Examined

The Godmakers, which was first shown in 1983, was produced largely through the efforts of Edward Decker, who is currently international director of Saints Alive in Jesus. The film took three years to make at a cost of approximately $250,000. To pay for the film, Decker personally borrowed $65,000, obtained $50,000 from a group of investors and raised the remaining amount from donations. 

A Small Helping of Mormonism | Edgar Reitz, dir., Mahlzeiten

Mahlzeiten is one of Germany’s most discussed current films, and one which will be of special interest to Latter-day Saints. The plot could be reduced to sound like a sensational nineteenth-century thriller: a young married…

The Divine Feminine in Mormon Art

For the first century of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, members generally did not condone artistic renderings of deity, including those of Christ.[1] It was not until the mid-twentieth century that Mormon…

Utah Naming Practices, 1960–2020

1. Introduction You can tell you are from Utah if you are Jaxton, your mother is Sariah, and your grandparents are Alma and LaRue. Jokes such as this one, which center on the creative names…

After a Post-Heterosexual Mormon Theology: A Ten-Year Retrospective

Dialogue 54.4 (Winter 2021): 111–137
Ten years ago, my article “Toward a Post-Heterosexual Mormon Theology” was published in Dialogue. I did not know what to expect when it made its way into the world, but it ended up being a widely discussed piece and has been accessed tens of thousands of times. The public discussion about my ideas was both critical and appreciative. In the wake of the article, my own research and thinking have also developed.

Gentle Persuasions

I I often went with my father on home teaching visits when I was ten and eleven. I don’t remember why his companions were never around. I suppose they were inactive. Back then, inactivity wasn’t…

The Graduate | Mike Nichols, dir., The Graduate

This is a very disturbing film. Members of the Church ought to be warned to avoid it and to keep their children away from it. Its philosophy is “loaded”! It assumes that the immoral is…