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Plural Marriage and Mormon Fundamentalism

[…] its early decades, the Colorado City group “wore fundamentalist Mormonism like a badge: severe buns, long skirts, black suits, faces scrubbed and plain, persisting in old fashioned dress even for the children.” In Colorado […]

One Devout Mormon Family’s Struggle with Racism

[…] to more discussion, ridicule, head-shaking, and even outrage in the twentieth century than the Church’s position regarding Black African priesthood denial. While most American mainstream religious denominations were tainted with irrational racist thinking at […]

The Fading Curse of Cain: Mormonism in South Africa

[…] in Soweto. And those sixty minutes present an open window on the world of difference between “ black” South Africa and “white” South Africa.  I was in Soweto that Sunday morning attending fast and […]

The Black Door

Hyrum Black had three wives. All of the people up and down Tudor Avenue knew that. In fact, I suppose all of the people in Salt Lake City knew that there were polygamists among […]

Religious Accommodation in the Land of Racial Democracy

[…] genealogy and viewing family photos and felt that they could see in the family pictures evidence of black ancestors. Thus, according to the policy of the Church, the priesthood could not be given to […]