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Negotiating Black Self-Hate within the LDS Church

[…] white understandings of Blackness in Mormon theology. A study by writer-researcher Jana Riess of the Religion News Service found that 70 percent of Black Latter-day Saints believe the Mormon racial folklore of themselves as […]

Plural Marriage and Mormon Fundamentalism

[…] (this last one on 28 July 1989).  The following comes from “Jane Doe Kingston,” information submitted in writing on 25 Apr. 1989, and my interview with “George Mason” on 26 Jan. 1990. Hilton, “Plural […]

LDS Church Authority and New Plural Marriages, 1890-1904

[…] Section 101 in the first printing of the Doctrine and Covenants, a collection of Joseph Smith’s revelatory writings and statements. Verse 4 states, “Inasmuch as this church of Christ has been reproached with the […]

Bernard Devoto and the Mormon Tradition

[…] may serve as a chronicle of the issues dominating American life for twenty-five years (1930-1955), hundreds of reviews and articles on an astonishing range of topics, a monthly column for more than twenty years […]

Fawn McKay Brodie: An Oral History Interview

[…] care to explain more about that?  I was excommunicated for heresy—and I was a heretic—and specifically for writing the book. My husband was teaching at Yale at the time and we were living in […]

“A Style of Our Own”: Mormon Women and Modesty

[…] and Grooming Standards, but I have been unable to determine the date they were first prohibited in writing. Church leaders also appealed to a sense of attractiveness. For the Strength of Youth, 1965, 2, […]