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The Kingdom of God in Illinois: Politics in Utopia

[…] life. The Mormons, conversely, were more typically American in significant ways. They were of westering New England stock, Puritan in religious background, and lower-middle class rather than peasant or proletarian in outlook. They were […]

Mormonism’s Negro Doctrine: An Historical Overview

Dialogue 8.1 (Spring 1973): 11–68
Lester Bush’s l andmark article tells the most comprehensive history of the church’s teachings on race and priesthood, destabilizing the idea that it originated with Joseph Smith or had been […]

Mormonism and the Periodical Press: A Change is Underway

[…] of what was produced by the Church’s welfare program, Kaye alleged, was being sold on the open market, while the Church at the same time continued to request exemptions from property taxes in California […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] proved exactly the opposite meaning). However, these writers are not to blame; they are simply meeting their market, as every writer must. If a managed press requires distorted myths, they must either conform or […]