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Mormonism’s Negro Doctrine: An Historical Overview

[…] this the Prophet reaffirmed that the Church believed “in preaching the doctrine of repentance in all the world, both to old and young, rich and poor, bond and free. . . .” While the […]

Nostrums in the Newsroom

[…] a painful embrace that neither party could—or would—quit. The manipulative Gilmore engineered the newsflow on front pages worldwide with a degree of control he had never been able to apply to his own life. […]

Roundtable Review: The Naked Capitalist

[…] country and abroad, are and have been doing things in support of the Communist conspiracy throughout the world. Dr. Bella Dodd, a former member of the national committee of the U.S. Communist Party, told […]

On Becoming a Universal Church: Some Historical Perspectives

[…] member and eventual co-national president (1984-86) of Women for Peace, which eventually grew to fifteen thousand members worldwide. She has fought for prison reform and integrated playgrounds for children (“South African” 1989; LeBaron 1990, […]

Science and Religion: A Symbiosis

[…] most significantly, a revolution in consciousness, that is, in man’s felt way of perceiving himself and the world about him.  Of these three interlocking struggles, only the social revolution seems to have been concluded […]

Christ’s World Government: An End of Nationalism and War

[…] of its own virtually insoluble political and economic problems and how these may be solved by the world government of Christ’s millennial reign. However, the millennial reign will require, besides the powerful king ship […]

Spiritual Searching: The Church on Its International Mission

[…] 1950s, President David O. McKay took forthright steps to move the largely domestic church into the international world. Within months after assuming his presidency, he embarked on a series of world tours, much as […]