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In honor of René Girard's passing

[…] explanation is imperfect and incomplete and doesn’t help much. Christianity is a religion which demands faith, and faith makes sense precisely because we don’t have all the pieces for understanding. Otherwise, it is not faith.

Best of Dialogue 2015

[…] with Chieko N. Okazaki” by Gregory Prince Most discussed Facebook article: “My daughter isn’t a Mormon anymore”  by Mette Harrison over at Jana Riess’s blog “Flunking Sainthood” February Most read Dialogue piece: “Developing Integrity in an Uncertain […]

Book Review: Unforgettable

51VTdnWNDML._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_Un forgettable Eric James Stone Baen, January 2005 Trade paperback, 250pp., #15.00 Reviewed by Michael R. Collings Eric James Stone is perhaps best […]

Updated with video: Mormonism and the Art of Boundary Maintenance

[…] Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has increasingly faced boundary questions within the community. From divisions over polygamy and spiritualism in the nineteenth century to more recent debates over same-sex marriage, women’s ordination, […]

Editor Notes: Of Haircuts and Honor

[…] back in March 1984. I’m pretty sure it was my friend Kent’s idea that we should run for ASBYU president and vice president during our junior year of college. We knew we didn’t stand […]