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My Fifty Years in Journalism

[…] “You were right,” he said, with disarming candor, “and I was cock eyed.” The incident gave my stock at the Post a considerable boost.  Meyer never got around to apologizing for his prejudice against […]

How International is the Church in Japan?

[…] Japan and has not become an international church in the full sense.  We have often read such headlines and titles of articles as “expanding church” andinternational church” in the past several years. The […]

Rooted in Christian Hope: The Case for Pacifism

[…] Varieties of Christian Pacifism (Scottdale, PN: Herald Press, 1992); When War Is Unjust (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2001). In some ways, Yoder is a moderate who holds that, while pacifism is required of […]

The Manifesto Was a Victory!

[…] is evidenced by the speeches of countless self-seeking congressmen and politicians. It was echoed in almost every newspaper and propaganda organ in the country. Unfortunately for the government, the Saints would not capitulate to […]

B.H. Roberts as an Historian

[…] and through that campaign you, in very bitter terms, inveighed against this intrusion of the church into politics?  Mr. ROBERTS. No sir. I should like to disclaim any bitterness in the matter.  Mr. TAYLER. […]

Phrenology Among the Mormons

[…] American Crusade (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1955), p. 37. See also Madeleine B. Stern, Heads and Headlines— The Phrenological Fowlers (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1971), pp. 17, 62, 134.  Alfred Woodward file, […]

The Spalding Theory Then and Now

[…] American Cyclopedia, which informed its readership that “as early as 1813 this work was announced in the newspapers as forthcoming, and as containing a translation of the ‘Book of Mormon.’” Another example of the […]