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Annual Appeal 2013

[…] biproduct of “debate, discussion, and compromise among flawed human beings….” Personal essays are another of my must- read genres. I especially enjoyed Roger Terry’s “Why the True Church Cannot Be Perfect.” Roger discusses the […]

Merry Christmas! From Editor Kristine Haglund

[…] She strikes a universal peace through sea and land. No war, or battle’s sound Was heard the world around: The idle spear and shield were high uphung; The hookèd chariot stood Unstain’d with hostile […]

In honor of René Girard's passing

[…] look at it you have mysteries, which are unfathomable because we are just not good enough, not holy enough to understand all the points, all the reason for creation.” Click in to read both! images

Book Review: Sistering, by Jennifer Quist

[…] seat to what is happening in the here and now. Despite differences in tone, the two novels share the characteristic of vibrant domesticity tinged with a lurking spectre of death. Sistering opens in a […]

What Dialogue Means to People Like Me

10002306In 1967, Dialogue published Richard Poll’s “What the Church Means to People Like Me,” a talk Poll gave in his Palo Alto ward earlier that year. Using imagery from the Book of Mormon, Poll described two “ideal types” of active, believing Mormons: Iron Rods and Liahonas. Iron Rod Mormons, Poll argued, are obedience-minded, loyal, and devout. They do not search for questions, and easily accept authoritative answers. Seeing God’s hand in their daily lives, they feel salvation is assured by clinging to the Iron Rod of revelation as found in the standard works, the words of General Authorities, and the workings of the Holy Spirit.

Book Review: Dream House on Golan Drive, by David G. Pace

dream-house-on-golan-driveA Cluttering of Symbol and Metaphor
David G. Pace. Dream House on Golan Drive. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 2015. 300 pp. Paperback: $24.95.
Reviewed by Eric W. Jepson
How to represent lived religious experience without either underplaying its reality or slipping into the magical-fantastical is an ongoing difficulty in Mormon literature. David G. Pace, in his novel Dream House on Golan Drive, has decided to lean hard into that latter option. The story is narrated by Zedekiah, one of the Three Nephites assigned to watch over young Riley Hartley. What makes Riley special enough to deserve this honor is never clear. Also unclear is just how much of an “honor” it is to have Zedekiah acting as, essentially, his guardian angel.