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Polygamy, Mormonism, and Me

[…] search for historical information; and that, while I did not yet know where I would publish any writing I might do on the subject, I had assumed that I would eventually submit it to […]

Reading Between the Sheets

[…] is washable except her shoes.  “What do you mean, your sources?” asked Darla last week. “You aren’t writing about your clients.” She paused for Noreen’s confirmation and, when she didn’t get it, went on. […]

Joseph Smith and the Plurality of Worlds Idea

[…] of the style and structure of restorationist pluralism.  In addition to examining the astronomical pluralism in Joseph’s writings, this essay will assess the merits of the environmental thesis without suggesting that Joseph Smith as […]

Service Under Stress: Two Years as a Relief Society President

[…] encouragement. Other visitors sometimes call upon local Church members for housing, transportation, sight-seeing guidance, babysitting, and other services.  Young, single people entering the city without definite goals or attempting to escape from problems often […]