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SUMMER PREVIEW: Dialogue releases research on youth suicide rates

[…] Article: The LGBTQ Mormon Crisis: Responding to the Empirical Research on Suicide   Digital Premium Article: “Youth Suicide Rates and the Mormon Context: An Additional Empirical Analysis       Screenshot 2016-08-08 at 11 .07.47 PM

22nd Annual Leonard J. Arrington Lecture

[…] to the stereotype of the boring bureaucrat, the stories of the men and women who have worked for the agencies of the Department of the Interior carry intrinsic interest and give rise to thought-provoking […]

Book Review: Sistering, by Jennifer Quist

[…] Letters of the Angels of Death (2013) was serious and poetic. It won the Alberta Lieutenant G overnor’s Emerging Artist Award, was long-listed for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, and was a finalist […]

Exponent Bloggers Celebrate Dialogue: A Journal Of Mormon Thought

[…] about Dialogue‘s role in their lives and about Dialoguearticles that have particularly impacted them. MayDialogue continue on for another 50 years… and many, many more after that.    April Young Bennett: While researching background […]

RadioWest with Gregory Prince on Gerontocracy

[…] live longer, they’re more likely to experience age-related conditions like dementia. It’s something he explores in a forthcoming article, and Tuesday, he joins us to explain what this “gerontocracy” means for the future of […]

Book Review: Dream House on Golan Drive, by David G. Pace

[…] that latter option. The story is narrated by Zedekiah, one of the Three Nephites assigned to watch over young Riley Hartley. What makes Riley special enough to deserve this honor is never clear. Also […]

Book Review: Judith Freeman, The Latter Days: A Memoir

[…] memoir fascinating is the context in which these non-events occur. Freeman grew up in a small, uni formly Mormon town in 1950s Utah. That backdrop elevates her beautifully written narrative from mildly diverting memoir […]