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The Relevance of Literature: A Mormon Viewpoint

A short time ago, in Brigham Young University Studies, I published an article about Japanese and English poetry; I ended it with the statement that poetry in both languages carries the hallmark “Made on […]

Notes and Comments

Notes and comments are not merely short articles or long letters; they are varied, informal glimpses of Mormon thought and life. The Editors welcome news, profiles, opinions, accounts, speeches and other items that seem appropriate.

Three Myths About Mormons in Latin America

[…] cultural mainstream. Although successful missions were established among the Indians and especially among the Polynesians, it was nevertheless the English-speaking white Americans who gave the Church its leadership and set the tone of its culture.

Phrenology Among the Mormons

[…] to write poetry and combat enables him to sit a horse well and makes him fearless in breaking colts, &c. I noticed the heads of individuals very much now, and hope I shall continue […]

Omissions in the King James New Testament

[…] history of the printed text of the Greek New Testament (and therefore of the early translations into English and the other vernacular languages of Europe) would have been considerably different.  In 1550 Robert Estienne […]

Forgotten Relief Societies, 1844-67

[…] mention the necessity of providing protection against the elements), the missionaries appealed to readers of the Deseret News to donate used clothing, “especially shirts, to help cover the nakedness of the Indians, especially the […]

On the Edge: Mormonism’s Single Men

[…] one in New England and another in England. He helped his father edit his New York City news paper, The Mormon, served as business manager for his father’s large family, taught grammar and geography […]