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At nineteen, a Mormon missionary in Brazil, I felt foreign in every part, torn from language.  “Boy, it’s cold out,” I’d quip to the natives.  “No, Elder, hot” they’d say. “The word is hot.”  At…

Homestead In Idaho

I  “Solomon? Since I talked with him I’ve thoughtAgain about trying to make a go of it In Idaho. As I say, this rainy weather In Oregon is looking better and better to me.The first time I…

The Casting Out of Spirits

I don’t know why they’ve asked someone else to play the organ. I’ve been playing the organ in this ward for forty-eight years. When I first learned to play, I had to pump the air…

Lucky Wounds

Old George sat on an upturned half-barrel cleaning his gun. It only ever shot blanks these days, but that didn’t matter much. A fellow outlaw’d once told him the state of your gun’s the state…

Second Place: Dispatches from Kolob

Listen to the Out Loud audio version of this article here. Listen to the interview about this piece here. Dear President Russell M. Nelson, For centuries, the pope has been addressed as Your Holiness, and they…

No More Sister than St. Nick

Listen to an interview about this piece here. The new young Bishop Fredning had not asked Vernie to prepare and narrate the Christmas program. For the first time in twenty-seven years, the bishop of the…

The River Rerun

Morning 3, Nankoweap Camp  Across the river, she sees a big brown lump shamble over to the water’s edge. She wants it to be graceful, sleek, to glide through the water, not lumber like a…

The Gift

On a snowy evening, Gerard de Valois stepped from a tram near Quai Marcellis in the Belgian city of Liege. He positioned his hat more firmly, tucked his scarf tightly into the collar of his…