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Joseph Smith and the Clash of Sacred Cultures

Routinely, in speech and print, Church authorities and other Mormon commentators align the Mormon present and the Book of Mormon past in the following manner: We possess a unique understanding of the Indians. They are […]

Joseph Smith and the Face of Christ

[…] Shashaani “To see your face is like seeing the face of God . . .” Jacob, upon meeting his long -estranged brother, Esau (Genesis 33:10, NIV)                                                                 . . . his eyes Looked into the eyes of […]

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[…] authors who have a connection, past, present, or generational, with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints, not to any specific style, genre, setting, or language. The Church itself need not appear […]

Queer Mormon Histories and the Politics of a Usable Past

[…] Boswell freely used the term “gay” for medieval and ancient subjects who expressed a preference for same -sex romantic and sexual relationships, while recognizing it was a label impossible for them to apply to […]

Queer Bodies, Queer Technologies, and Queer Policies

Though there is a well -established conversation on how reproductive technologies and policies influence cisgender, heterosexual women’s bodies within Mormonism, there is a less established conversation on how reproductive technologies and policies are affecting […]