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Book Review: Eric Freeze. Invisible Men: Stories.

[…] $16.00. Reviewed by Lisa Rumsey Harris Dialogue. Winter 2016 The gaze of the girl on the c over of Eric Freeze’s short story collection arrested me—stopped me. Her eyes, full of hostility, told me […]

Book Review: States of Deseret, edited by Wm Morris

States of Deseret. William Morris, editor.  Peculiar Press, 2017. Alternative history short story anthology. 109 pages, $3.00. Reviewed by Barrett Burgin Last year I presented this […]

Book Review: Scott Abbott. Immortal for Quite Some Time.

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Attempts to Be Whole

Scott Abbott. Immortal for Quite Some Time. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2016. 257 pp. Paperback: $24.95. Reviewed […]

Mormonism’s Negro Doctrine: An Historical Overview

[…] should be in bondage to another.” Though the most recent Church pro nouncement on the Negro (19 69) tied this revelation to Negro slavery, it does not appear to have been used in early […]