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Introduction: The Future of Mormonism

[…] those of Frederick Jackson Turner and Charles Beard. Turner’s frontier thesis, which holds that American character and politics emerged primarily from the process of settling the wilderness, easily accommodated the Mormons’ story. Mormonism’s birth […]

Mormons in the Third Reich: 1933-1945

[…] Church members tried to win Nazi sympathy by professing admiration for the Party’s accomplishments. The official Nazi newspaper, Volkischer Beobachter, of 14 April 1939, published an article written by Alfred C. Rees, president of […]

Magic and the Supernatural in Utah Folklore

[…] taboos. Similarly, it would be surprising to learn that modern ranchers wean, castrate, brand, and butcher their stock according to the phases of the moon (Cannon, nos. 12755, 12759 ff., 12763 f.) or that […]

Thoughts of a Mormon Centurion

[…] a city in northwest Germany, in a I middle-class family. At age fifteen, I became interested in politics, joined a neo-orthodox communistic “cell group” at high school, and absorbed Marxist philosophy with a passion. […]

Roundtable: The Complications of Columbus and Indigeneity at BYU

[…] including what would become the state of Utah, through ideas of Manifest Destiny. Some Christian denominations and Americans have started to reject the Doctrine of Discovery. Indigenous peoples have called on the current pope […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] them would comment on the case. In dealing with the Molly Maguires, the Homestead Strike, the Hay market, Mooney and Billings, Sacco and Van zetti, as well as with Joe Hill, it is obvious […]

Tiny Papers: Peruvian Mormon Substances of Relatedness

[…] lose dependency on “extended family” and depend instead upon the Church and its ostensibly secular counterpart, the market. Therefore, instead of growing their rhizomatic networks of relatedness that are inextricable from their economies (of […]