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Women and Ordination: Introduction to the Biblical Context

[…] gospels; it is colored by the specific polemical situations in which the apostle Paul found himself in writing his epistles. Extreme care must be exercised in using this fragmentary and difficult evidence. Particular care […]

Roundtable: When Feminists Excommunicate

[…] as real feminists and which do not? Do any of us? When I was in graduate school writing a dissertation on a forgotten woman author of eighteenth-century Germany, I was told on multiple occasions […]

Mormon Women in the Ministry

[…] the range of joy through sorrow. I love the craft of words, I find spiritual expression in writing, and I revel in the spiritual tension and expanse of scripture, poetry, and story. I feel […]

Bode and Iris

[…] do that.”  “I don’t fault you for it. But it does pose a problem, doesn’t it—a Mormon service one Sunday, a Baptist service the next? What’s more, according to these instructions, we can’t badmouth […]

The Intellectual Tradition of the Latter-day Saints

[…] of the Pearl of Great Price and Doctrine and Covenants by a scholar of national stature, the writings and sermons of Joseph Smith have attracted and motivated several generations of Latter-day Saints. The Prophet […]

New Light on Mormon Origins from the Palmyra Revival

[…] Latter day Saint scholars to write in defense of their Prophet’s first vision story. In all their writing they have assumed that Joseph Smith’s account must be correct wherever it is at variance with […]