Search Results for Девятаев 2021 — Девятаев — Девятаев — смотреть — онлайн в хорошем качестве — фильм — онлайн тут >>>

“Among the Mormons”

[…] it cannot be improved as well as not.”  Some few years after I first arrived in Utah —sometime after the last handcart and before the first Winnebagoa young sociologist came to join the university […]

Service Under Stress: Two Years as a Relief Society President

[…] bishop of the same ward.  Any large city attracts people from their original homes and extended families —many for professional or educational reasons, some because they are trying to “find themselves” in a new […]

Of Quiffs, Quarks, and God

Science is full of strange twists and unexpected developments —so many, in fact, that we are rarely surprised anymore by its most recent revelations. But one of the biggest scientific surprises of the twentieth […]

“A Matter of Love”: My Life with Dialogue

God sometimes seems to me quite unreasonable. I’ve thought so especially at times when it appears that the one gift he has clearly given me, the gift of dialogue, is also a source of pain […]

The Binding of Isaac: A View of Jewish Exegesis

[…] in the Bible is the sum of life’s meaning. Judaism is over 2,000 years of Bible study and nothing more. While others have twisted the Bible and tortured its meanings, we Jews would never […]

Mother Goes to Cambridge: A Modern Lament

I sat there on the bench in Lecture Block C at Cambridge University with a very real ache in my brain where my classical education should have been. It was a rare warm day […]

Groping the Mormon Eros

[…] Profanity.” Maybe that was not an intentional emendation but, as one couldn’t help suggesting, a Freudian slip —just a little gremlin of the superego editing the program and not the mind of Sunstone Symposium […]

The Successful Marketing of the Holy Grail

[…] He was alluding to pyramid schemes and speculative investments initiated by unscrupulous LDS individuals preying upon the trust between people with cultural and religious bonds. Professional concern about involvement of LDS leaders in fraudulent […]

Letters to the Editor – Udall

Dear Sirs:  . . . . The expression of personal opinions will inevitably engender some disagreement, but it would be sad if Dialogue were to try to limit itself to the expression of only those […]