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The Church in Latin American: Progress and Challenge

[…] through two friendly, obviously middle-class people in their own rural communities. Their initial attendance at an LDS service is increasingly located in a sumptious (to them) structure which reflects middle class values. But the […]

The Witty and Witless Saints of a Nobel Prize Winner

[…] novel, Laxness used as his sources two nineteenth-century Mormon journals in Icelandic. Of his interest in these writings Laxness writes:  Paradise Reclaimed is based on two books written in Icelandic by Mormon authors. One […]

The Aaronic Order: The Development of a Modern Mormon Sect

[…] receiving revelations from a supernatural source. He found certain concepts in Mormonism similar to those in the writings that he had received. On July 16, 1930, he received a writing in which the voice […]

Parley P. Pratt: Father of Mormon Pamphleteering

[…] gospel exposition. Forgotten is the fact that this composer of hymns all but single-handedly invented Mormon book writing. More than this, the arguments he put in print one hundred and forty years ago—although now […]

An Interview with Sterling M. McMurrin

[…] attachments to any philosophical school.  O: Are you interested in the recent and current hassles over the writing of Church history?  M: I have read the address on the writing and teaching of Church […]

Beyond Literalism

[…] The new critics challenged long held traditions as to the authorship, date, and purpose of various biblical writings. For example, they concluded that the Pentateuch was not written by Moses, but rather by several […]

Blogging General Conference

I’ll be blogging conference live at Dialogue’s affiliated blog, By Common Consent, with real-time coverage from the Conference Center, photos, and lots of discussion, both serious and silly, in the comment section. Will President Monson arrive late? Will Elder Oaks talk about Religious Freedom? Will someone reference an April Fool’s Joke? You’ll find somebody talking about it at BCC. Twitter updates also available throughout the weekend at and Join us!