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Dialogue artist Trevor Southey passes away

Cross-posted at By Common Consent By Steve Evans Trevor Southey passed away yesterday .Southey was an artist, sculptor, Mormon, gay man, husband, ex-husband, father and a host of other adjectives. Born in Rhodesia (now […]

What Dialogue Means to People Like Me

[…] Rods and Liahonas. Iron Rod Mormons, Poll argued, are obedience-minded, loyal, and devout. They do not search for questions, and easily accept authoritative answers. Seeing God’s hand in their daily lives, they feel salvation […]

Dialogue Lectures #38 w/D. Michael Quinn

[…] Hotel Utah, and venture off on the Union Pacific Railroad, all partially owned and run by apostles. Families could buy clothes at Knight Woolen Mills. The husband might work at Big Indian Copper or Bullion-Beck, Gold Chain, or Iron […]

A Case for Same-Sex Marriage: Reply to Randolph Muhlestein

Dialogue 40. 3 (Fall 2007): 50–60
These articles were about legal arguments. The case against argued that marriage was already tenuous and allowing same-sex marriage would doom it, suggesting that people would become homosexuals […]