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A Visit for Tregan

[…] been to church a few times in his whole life, usually when a friend invited him to Mutual. And his dad hadn’t gone since his mom left them, right after Tregan was born. Tregan’s […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] of whom lost in the recent elections.  These matters are relative, but a certain amount of “ news control” and “muzzling” of dissent are proper to successfully wage a war. When human life is […]

The Church as Media Proprietor

[…] daily life.  The Church benefits not only as a user but also as an owner of community newspapers and broadcasting outlets. Through them it can express a viewpoint in a calm and continuing way […]

Riding Herd: A Conversation with Juanita Brooks

[…] ahead, Brother John son”? But instead, I said, “Well, Brother Johnson, this is Tuesday night and it’s Mutual (I was in the Mutual presidency, and I had a few things that I needed to […]

The Word of Wisdom in Early Nineteenth-Century Perspective

The success of Mormonism’s “Word of Wisdom,” especially its prohibition of tobacco— in promoting Mormon health is now widely acknowledged. Mor mons have shown that they experience what medical science would predict from their […]

Light and Dark Thoughts on Death

[…] landed I called the hospital and found that Mother had died the hour before. I reported the news to my family in Delaware, and my husband said that there had been a letter from […]

From Sacred Grove to Sacral Power Structure

[…] and directors between 1886 and 1932.  Included within the diverse business interests of the Mormon hierarchy were newspapers, books, radio broadcast, telephone, telegraph, construction, brick manufacturing, dairy products, amusement parks, film companies, cemeteries and […]

Toward a Post-Heterosexual Mormon Theology

Dialogue 44.4 (Winter 2011): 106–141
From Editor Taylor Petrey: “Toward a Post-heterosexual Mormon Theology”  was actually the first major article I ever published. I did not know what to expect, but it ended up […]

Excommunication and Finding Wholeness

Dialogue 54.1 (Spr ing 2021): 69–79
Five years after my excommunication, I met and entered into a relationship with the man who is my husband to this day. We became a couple in 1991; […]