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I, Eye, Aye: A Personal Essay on Personal Essays

In A Believing People, Richard Cracroft and Neal Lambert lament that the essay “has not been as vital a literary force in Mormondom as might be expected.” Early Mormons, they note, kept forceful diaries, wrote…

The Holding Forth of Jeddy Grant

As the story goes, and as countless Mormon preachers and teachers have told it, embellished it and retold it for generations, it was a classic confrontation between a conspiracy of falsehood and the heroism of…

Living with Opposition in All Things

In a recent issue of Dialogue, Clifton Jolley described the personal essay as a good way to confront the “beast.” I usually confront the beast in the shower. It is not that it lurks there…

Parley P. Pratt: Father of Mormon Pamphleteering

A few years back fifty LDS academics were asked to list the most eminent intellectuals in Mormon history. B. H. Roberts and Orson Pratt were most frequently nominated. James E. Talmage and John A. Widtsoe…